I don't think I can write this essay. Neville certainly is an interesting character, but I don't think I can make a strong enough point with him. I am notorious for this kind of second-guessing, though. I just don't know what to do. I am also notorious for being a terrible, terrible writer when it actually matters. I can bullshit about politics and religion and once or twice a year write a poem, but when there's a format and a due date, I lose my mind.
None of the three prompts inspires me. I have a couple weak, insipid ideas, and I refuse to use them. I'm far too picky.
Let me share with you how STUPID these prompts are:
- People find many ways to express their inner world. Some write novels; others paint, perform, or debate; still others design elegant solutions to complex mathematical problems. How do you express your inner world, and how does the world around you respond?
- It's easy to identify with the hero--the literary or historical figure who saves the day. Have you ever identified with a figure who wasn't a hero--a villain or a scapegoat, a bench-warmer or a bit player? If so, tell us why this figure appealed to you--and if your opinion changed over time, tell us about that, too.
- After your long and happy life, your family must choose no more than a dozen words to adorn your headstone. What do you hope they choose, and why?
- My inner world is a lot of political and religious opinion. How I express my inner world is ranting on this blog and posting status updates on Facebook. Occasionally, I vent to my boyfriend about some topic and then embarrass myself and never want to talk about it ever again. Not exactly essay material. No one wants a student who does nothing productive with her ideas.
- Neville Longbottom is the only non-hero I can think of. I don't read nearly as much as I used to. I could think of branching out to non-literary figures, but I'm afraid. Also, anything I say is going to be cliched and corny.
- My favorite poem is by e.e. cummings, and ends like this: "for life's not a paragraph/and death I think is no parenthesis." It's exactly twelve words, and it describes how I want to live my life. I want the effects of my life to reach beyond my death. BUT IT'S SO CLICHE. I can just see it..."I wanna change the world, omg! Starting with world peace. And like, kids reading. Yeah."
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