Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I didn't know it was possible.

I have found something I hate more than the male gender.

Let me preface by saying that this is A BIG DEAL. I mean...c'mon.

This newly-realized hatred can be named with a very succinct acronym: DAMN.
Or otherwise Dickhead! AHH! Merge NOW!

So you're driving down an entrance ramp to the Durham Freeway. There is one car in front of you. Say an SUV, which any sane person would assume has good pickup and decent tires for driving over all that mountain terrain you see in the commercials. The freeway speed limit is 55 (which means that you drive, eh, about 70. Ish.) This genius in front of you is driving at FORTY MILES PER HOUR.
[Insert me making a very serious face.]
Now you tell me. How, exactly, does this person expect to merge onto this very busy highway?
Apparently he doesn't. The two of you poke along, closer and closer to the traffic zooming by, and you begin to worry for your life.
It's a miracle that you manage to find a small hole between cars to squeeze into, though while doing so you cause 20 people to slam on brakes to avoid your bumper. Oops.

People like that should be banned from driving. Or maybe from even looking at a car. Or from thinking about looking at a car.


Anonymous said...

oh, i thought that only irritated my california blood...but i see that it's not only me. you crack me up! :)

bitchntomato said...

hahahaha DAMN. thats fantastic

Robert said...

Somehow, I missed this little gem of wit and amazing the first time through.
Thank you for cheering me up.