Tuesday, October 30, 2007

things I hate about ***

He's a goddamn liar.
  • Looking For: A Relationship
  • We should definitely hang out more.
  • I'm grounded.

He's arrogant as hell.

  • I love being able to play the guitar.
  • Forever fixing his hair.
  • Struts like a rooster ("I'm so hot" mentality).

He uses people.

  • "I miss the way you kissed me."
  • Let's hang out so that I can lie to you to get something I want.
  • I just told her that so she would leave me alone.

He is stupid.

  • Do you really not realize you're messing with two girls who have been friends since elementary school? who talk EVERY DAY?
  • Do you honestly think you can get away with this forever? with all these girls?
  • Do you truly not comprehend that we could destroy you?

He got me to give him a second chance.

I think that's what I hate most.


bitchntomato said...

what a douche.
Ich liebe dich!
boys fail.

mystical137 said...

he is dumb. he should be pummeled and then thrown into a ditch. :]

i love youuuuu.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I remember you telling me about this...